How You Can Change the World: James Owens and Lucy Siegle

How You Can Change the World: James Owens and Lucy Siegle

Date/Time: Friday 1 March, 4pm-5pm

Venue: Al Ras 1, InterContinental, DFC

Language: Arabic, English

Session No: 155 

Do you ever look at the humanitarian and environmental crises happening all over the world and feel guilty or powerless? Whether the over-consumption of plastic and fast fashion, the horror of war and famine, or the obstacles to literacy and education, there seem to be no end to the problems we are facing. Confronting them can sometimes feel impossible. Shedding some light on the darkness are Professor James Owens, founder of the charity The World is Just a Book Away, Lucy Siegle, writer and TV presenter who specialises in environmental issues, ethical shopping and lifestyles. Come and hear them discuss the reality of our situation, what we can do about it as individuals and societies, and why we shouldn’t give up hope just yet.

Language: English with Arabic translation
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